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Light slips 'round ageless trees
Shadows dance on whispered breeze
Faeries choose to gather here
Tempting mortals straying near
Look carefully, as faeries hide
And wait for believers to come inside
Keeping them for a year and day
'Ere longer if they wish to stay
Ethereal magic fills this place
Tread carefully throughout their space
As nature's guardians, they defend
Faeries protect both home and friend
While caring for the earth each day
Mischief and pranks are their way
To remind common man of their pow'r
As they enchant day and evening hour
So leave a gift for the faerie folk
Underneath the tallest oak
And, only, if you believe...then
Can you enter Faerie Glen
~Unknown~ on back of Faerie Glen (c) figurine collectiables box
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Faires are beautiful being captured
in art and legends for generations and centuries. They've captivated the child's and believers imagination for years and still
dazzle us today. Faires or fea can be broken down into elemental groups or classifications. Such the water fea, the earth
fae, the wind fae, and the fire fea. Unquie in their powers and ablities. On this page you'll find information that covers
all the elemental types along with general information, poetry, graphics, polls, and perhapes quiz results! So close your
eyes and look within...and for a momment become a child again.
The Stolen Child
WHERE dips the rocky highland
Of Sleuth Wood in the lake,
There lies a leafy island
Where flapping herons wake
The drowsy water-rats;
There we've hid our faery vats,
Full of berries
And of reddest stolen cherries.
Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With faery hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping
Than you can understand.
Where the wave of moonlight glosses
The dim gray sands with light,
Far off by the furthest Rosses
We foot it all the night,
Weaving olden dances,
Mingling hands and mingling glances
Till the moon has taken flight;
To and fro we leap
And chase away the frothy bubbles,
While the world is full of troubles
And is anxious in it's sleep.
Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With faery hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping
Than you can understand.
Where the wandering water gushes
From the hills above Glen-Car,
In pools amoung the rushes
That scarce could bathe a star,
We seek for slumbering trout
And whispering in thier ears
Give them unquiet dreams;
Leaning softly out
From ferns that drop thier tears
Over the young streams.
Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With faery hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping
Than you can understand.
And with us he's going,
The solemn-eyed:
He'll hear no more the lowing
Of the calves on the warm hillside
Or kettle on the hob.
Sing peace into his breast,
Or see the brown mice bob
Round and round the oatmeal chest.
For he comes, the human child,
To the waters and the wild
With faery, hand in hand,
From the world more full of weeping
Than he can understand.
~W.B. Yeats~
As with many things that differ between different cultures of different countries the outlook
and believes on the topic of fantasy differs as well. In Ireland thre are two main divisions of the fae folk. The trooping
faires and the solitary faires.
~The Trooping fairies~:
Contrary to the solitary faires, the trooping faires are found in "merry bans about the Hawthorn
tree or at feasts in gilded fairy palaces" This sector of faires resides over most of Ireland.
~The solitary faires~:
These fairies avoid large groups and as their title suggest prefer to be left alone and to
themselves. Such faires would include: Leprechauns, Selkies, Banchees, and merrows. For further information on these types
of fairies search the pages of this website. Selkies and merrows can be found on the mermaid page because they belong a large
division of fae folk known as the water faires. Banchees however i'll have to look more up upon and add them later :o).
Link to acredited site
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Water Fae:
Water fae have often been described as shy folk, seeking true love and compansionship but are very
lonely. They control the element water and choose this power in defense. However, peaceful these quiet creatures can be moody
and may display thier moods in the manner of the body of water they dwell. Such as a peaceful ocean current with gentle lapping
waves might mean the fairy that dwells there is in a good mood or when the water swells and the sky darkens and waves thunder
at the shores may tell that she's angry and raging or depressed and coping. However so, the water fea include other such beings
of fantasy such as the mermaids and sirens who dwell beneath the ocean waves.
They have also been told to be highly intune with not only their own emotions but the emotions of
others making them very loving, forgiving, and caring. Although gentle and forgiving do not mistake thier calm nature and
lonesomeness as a weakness tick these guys off and you just might be "hot water". -more to be added this thus far is my take
info from sources soon to be-
Adoption-#3 |
There are many different water fae here are some descriptions of just a few, more well known, species.
The Asrai: These are female fairies whom although sweet and tender and are lighter
than the air itself they face a horriable fate if they are captured or found. What such fate do they face if they do so? Why
they'll dissolve into a puddle!
The Aughisky: A male water fairy or sprite who appears in the form of an old man and more often then
not looks like a young horse. Fear not there is no danger of riding on his back except if he smells seawater. For if he does
your most certainly cursed to death. For to smell the sea means for you to be torn into pieces with only your liver left intact.
Gwragedd Annwn: These come from wales. They are beautiful young women decended from merfolk, who will
occasionaly marry young mortal men. However these marriages are doomed to failure for these water folk have too many
habits a man can not live with...
Lady of the Lake: A beautiful but sad women, who according to legend, lives in a castle underneath
the surface of a lake. This surface however is said to be simply an illusion to hide her from the peering outside world.
Mermaids: (personaly my favorite) Are often said to enchant their lovers with their beautiful voices.
If seens its often while combing their long flowing locks and looking into a mirror (they dispise seeing their reflection
in water for it disorts there image, Vain creatures they be *giggles*)
Merrows: Irish merfolk whoms females are very pretty and their male counterparts, however gentle,
are ugly. They are an omen that a storm will soom start. Despite the omen they bring they are very sweet and gentle.
The Selkies: Beautiful young women hidden within the skin of a seal. Once the skin is shed, as they
can do, they appear to be normal beautiful young women. If a human male were to steal this skin he would have her for his
wife. However if she ever finds her skin to the sea she will return and her mortal husband will soon after die. Male selkies
cause storms and capsize ships
Urisk: A male scottish fairy who lives on the shores of puddles. Seeking some human company however
his strange appearance often scares people away.
Note: although information recieved from here, these descriptions are reworded into my own words. ~Akalie~
Alven: These fae folk orginated in the Netherlands. This is the only known orgin of this species of
water fae. This particular water fae uses its main element daily in their lives. An interesting way they use water in how
they "fly" seeming they have no wings and cannot truly fly these creatures trap their incrediably light bodies (so light that
they are practically invisable!) in bubbles and float about. Alven enjoy dancing and playing under the moonlight and
inhabit such bodies of water such as ponds, lakes, and rivers. They are also called "creatures of the moon". There interaction
with mankind is pretty much limited to those who destroy the sacred land around them. There only enemy however is fish
whom they try to avoid.
Undines: Usually found heard singing over forest pools and waterfalls with their beautiful voices.
The Child and the Fairies
- Author Unknown
woods are full of fairies! The trees are all alive; The river overflows with them, See how they dip and dive! What
a funny little fellows! What dainty little dears! They dance and leap, and prance and peep, And utter fairy cheers!
like to tame a fairy, To keep it on a shelf, To see it wash its little face, And dress its little self. I'd teacher
it pretty manners, It always should say "Please"; And then you know I'd make it sew, And curtsey with its knees!
Earth Fairies:
Earth fae are typically small, anywhere between a foot and eighteen inches high and
dress in green and brown clothing. Those being golden browns and deep greens. These fae are sociable and live in communities
and often appear as bearish beings. There often busy with there own personal affairs and are quiet impatiant and dart about
when humans are about!
Magical properties: Earth fae, more often than not, love colorful stones in there natural state
and in cuts that show off there inner beauty. "When they summoned into a circle they offer the protection of grounding
and helps us find hidden beauty and they say even treasure."
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The Wind on the Hills
Go not to the hills of Erin
When the night winds are about;
Put up your bar and shutter
ANd so keep the danger out.
For the good-folk whirl within it,
And they pull you by the hand,
And they push you on the shoulder,
Till you move to their command.
And lo! You have forgotten
What you have known of tears,
And you will not remember
That the world goes full of years:
A year there is a life time
And a second but a day;
And an older world will meet you
Each morn you come away.
Your wife grows old with weeping,
And your children one by one
Grow gray with nights of watching,
Before your dance is done.
And it will chance some morning
You will come home no more;
Your wife sees but a withered leaf
In the wind about the door.
And your children will inherit
The unrest of the wind;
They shall seek some face elusive,
And some land they never find.
When the wind is loud, they sighing
Go with hearts unsatified,
For some joy beyound remembrance,
For some memory denied.
And your children's children,
They cannot sleep or rest,
When the wind is out of Erin
And the sun is in the West.
~Dora Sigerson~ (approx. 1895-1900)
(c) David Delamare |
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The Fairies Flight
Along the path, you know
The one down by the woods
It is said that if you spread a blanket
And wait very still in the light of dusk
If you've been very good,
You will hear the buzz of fairy wings
And if you've been very, very good,
You just might see them frockling about
Tending to the flowers, helping things to sprout
Faeries bear luck in their fairy dust
Catch a grain and start again
~Mike Conner~
Where are the fairies? Where can we find them? We've
seen the fairy-rings they leave behind them! When they have danced all night, Where do they go? Lark, in the sky
above, Say, do you know? Is it a secret no one is telling? Why, in your garden Surely they're dwelling! No
need for journeying, Seeking afar: Where there are flowers, the fairies are! "Author Unknown"
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Fairy Herbs and Plants:
Thyme: If you plant creeping thyme around a
rosemary bush your sure to have fairies fluttering to you garden! For Thyme is a favorite of the faes, actually its the fairies
favorite of all the herbs! They enjoy a peaceful rest on a bed of creeping thyme and are quiet found of the scent of fresh
Apple Trees: According to legend, fairies are
said to enchant mortals who linger beneath these trees and are believed inhabit this particular trees.
Ferns: These plants make the perfect hidout
for the shy fae and provide a safe haven for them as well. According to legend you should never pick ferns for if you do so
you'll be on bad terms with the fea. Its believed that picking a fern is, in essence, the same as stripping away one of their
Moss: Bedding
of the fea
Rosemary: Planting rosemary
is like an invitation to your garden to the fae. The scent of this herb is said to entrance them.
Foxglove: Used
to make their wardrobe
Oak Trees: You may just find the path to fairy land underneath
the bottom of old oak trees for these massive plants are "deemed" the fae's absolute favorite place to live especially if
the oak is covered in moss.
Lily of the Valley: These fragrent little flowers make perfect
fairy bouqets!
Elder Bush: If you wish to see the fea this bush just may be the
key! Stand beneath one at dusk and you just might be blessed with the sight of a fairy!
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Faerie Forests
I wonder if you've ever dreamed,
In Summer's noonday sleep,
Of what the thyme and heather seemed
To ladybirds that creep
LIke little, crimsom, shimmering gems\
Between the tiny, twisted stems
Of Faerie Forests deep;
And what it looks like as they pass
Through jungles of golden grass.
~Alfred Noyes~
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General Information:
Most fairies are depicted as three inch high creatures of fantasy who dwell within the woods and
can be very protective of thier nature home although mischievious at the same time. They often are contained to an element
and thier powers vary according to the element they dwell in.
However, you may notice that fairies extend to cover other such creatures of fantasy such as the
mer-folk. These variations can be tied to the element aspect. Their appearence and personalities often match that of the element
as well.
-much more to come-
The Fairy Child
- Lord Dunsanay
the low white walls and the church's steeple, From our little fields under grass or grain, I'm gone away to the fairy
people I shall not come to the town again.
You may see a girl with my face and tresses, You may see one come
to my mother's door Who may speak my words and may wear my dresses. She will not be I, for I come no more.
am gone, gone far, with the fairies roaming, You may ask of me where the herons are In the open marsh when the snipe
are homing, Or when no moon lights nor a single star. On stormy nights when the streams are foaming And a hint may
come of my haunts afar, With the reeds my floor and my roof the gloaming, But I come no more to Ballynar.
Father Ryan to read no verses To call me back, for I am this day From blessings far, and beyond curses. No heaven
shines where we ride away.
At speed unthought of in all your stables, With the gods of old and the sons of Finn, With
the queens that reigned in the olden fables And kings that won what a sword can win. You may hear us streaming above
your gables On nights as still as a planet's spin; But never stir from your chairs and tables To call my name. I
shall not come in.
For I am gone to the fairy people. Make the most of that other child Who prays with you by
the village steeple I am gone away to the woods and wild.
I am gone away to the open spaces, And whither riding
no man may tell; But I shall look upon all your faces No more in Heaven or Earth or Hell.
Major Groups of Fae:
Alvens:These miniture, yet powerful, "air travelers"
hold in their control several powers. They are water commanders, plant tenders, and shape "changers". Although invisiable
or tanslucant these fae can change from a small insect to a huge monster! They live in small ponds or mounds.
Auki: A mountain spirit that inhabits the Andes of Peru who
were called upon to heal the sick by the brujos. These peoples call the Auki by whistling the Auki in response decend and
channel their powers through the brujos.
Brownies: These small creatures tend to be male and help to protect
the family. They perform such tasks as cleaning under the cover of night. They are rather hairy in appearence and have pointy
ears and long fingers. They dress in shades of blue, green and most often brown.
Devas: Guardians of nature whom are responsiable for building
up forms of both inner planes and in physical planes. They are the holders of the keys of fate for all forms. They can appear
at any time in any shape or form.
Drakes: These are of the elemental fire fae and can be seen in
the flicker of candle light or in the roaring "inferno" of a forest fire. No fire can be lit without there help and no heat
could exist without them. Their responsibilities include heat, explosions and valcanos. There effects on humans includes
envoking powerful emotion currents within people.
Dryads: Spirit fairies or nymphs of the trees
Dwarves: Are typically found in the mountains. They are also known
of their theivery of property, women and children! Most of the time, however, they are happy friendly small men. Whom are
found in groups, they are miners, forest/mountain dwellers, and metal workers.
Adoption-#3 |
Down at the bottom of the Garden
Have you ever thought at night as you lay down your head, about
the little fairies down by the garden shed? For as you slumber sweetly on your pillow stuffed with feathers, those little
sprites are having fun in just about all weathers! Leap-frogging the toadstools. Showering in the rain. Diving
in the puddles. Jacuzzi in the drain! Flying with the butterflies. Dancing in a ring. Catching jars of moon dust. Flying
on a wing.
Floating on the snowflakes. Skating on the ice. Sliding down the rooftops. Riding little mice. Curling
up in flowerpots, hide and seek theyll play, until the sun begins to rise and dawns the brand new day. Behold
the magic garden, enchantment seems to fade, though nature blossoms bountifully the sprites no longer play, but when
the sun starts sleeping, and the moon arrives at eve, then If you watch real carefully, like me youll soon believe. ©
2002 Ananya
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I Keep Three Wishes Ready
- Anette Wynne
keep three wishes ready, Lest I should chance to meet, Any day a fairy Coming down the street.
I'd hate to
have stammer, Or have to think them out, For it's very hard to think things up When a fairy is about.
I'd hate to lose my wishes, For fairies fly away, And perhaps I'd never chance On any other day.
So I keeep
three wishes ready, Lest I should chance to meet, Any day a fairy Coming down the street.
Adoption #2 |
The Rainbow Faeries
- Author Unknown
little clouds, one summer's day, Went flying through the sky; They went so fast they bumped their heads, And both
began to cry.
Old Father Sun looked out and said: 'Oh, never mind, my dears, I'll send my little fairy folk To
dry your falling tears.'
One fairy came in violet, And one wore indigo; In blue, green, yellow, orange, red, They
made a pretty row.
They wiped the cloud-tears all away, And then from out the sky, Upon a line the sunbeams made, They
hung their gowns to dry.
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The Fee's Changling
In Normandy on a brilliant summer a woman was carrying her one month old baby back from visiting her mother. Along
the road she came upon a fairy woman, a Fee, who was as beautiful as a new moon, and who held a child of the same age in her
As new mothers will, they chatted and exclaimed about one another's infants, though the human woman saw that the
Fee's child was nine times finer than her own. She said as much to the Fee.
"Will you exchange them then?" asked the Fee, holding her baby out.
"Oh, 'Madame Fee," said the woman, "though your child be more beautiful than the moon and more glorious
than the sun, still I will not change it for my own." And she clutched her baby to her breast and went immediately home.
A few days later, the woman left her child sleeping in the cottage and went outside into her garden to pick some
peas. When she returned she saw that the child in the cradle was not her own. It was an ugly, wizened thing, with thinning
hair and a permanent sneer.
Weeping and wailing, she cried until her heart almost burst in two. But the cure, the local priest, was walking
by and hearing her sobs, came in.
"Ah, my daughter, and you believe a Fee has exchanged her child for yours," said the cure. "But sometimes
what looked lovely at first glance seems ugly later on. Are you certain?"
"I am the mother," said the woman. "Of course I am certain."
"First I shall need proof," said the cure, and he broke a dozen eggs and ranged the shells before the child.
The child sat up in the cradle, something no month old child can do, and cried out, "Oh! What a number of cream
pots. Oh! What a number of cream pots!"
"Aha," said the cure. "A changeling indeed."
"Now what to do?" asked the woman, "who had never been in doubt that the child in the cradle, was
not hers.
"Take it to the marketplace, " advised the cure, "and make it scream lustily."
So the woman did this at once, and in the marketplace she set about berating the changeling, pinching it and shouting
at it till it began to cry loud and long.
At once the Fee appeared with the woman's own child in her arms.
"Stop, stop, do not hurt my baby," said the Fee. "Take yours back, and we will be quits."
Hastily, the woman took her own child back and, the exchange being made, ran gratefully home.
She was never bothered by the Fee again.
The Changeling
By Charlotte Mew
Toll no bell for me, dear Father
dear Mother, Waste no sighs; There are my sisters, there is my little brother Who plays in the place called Paradise,
Your children all, your children for ever; But I, so wild, Your disgrace, with the queer brown face, was never,
Never, I know, but half your child!
In the garden at play, all day,
last summer, Far and away I heard The sweet "tweet-tweet" of a strange new-comer, The dearest, clearest call of
a bird. It lived down there in the deep green hollow, My own old home, and the fairies say The word of a bird
is a thing to follow, So I was away a night and a day.
One evening, too, by the nursery
fire, We snuggled close and sat round so still, When suddenly as the wind blew higher, Something scratched on
the window-sill, A pinched brown face peered in--I shivered; No one listened or seemed to see; The arms of it
waved and the wings of it quivered, Whoo--I knew it had come for me! Some are as bad as bad can be! All night
long they danced in the rain, Round and round in a dripping chain, Threw their caps at the window-pane, Tried
to make me scream and shout And fling the bedclothes all about: I meant to stay in bed that night, And if only
you had left a light They would never have got me out!
Sometimes I wouldn't speak, you
see, Or answer when you spoke to me, Because in the long, still dusks of Spring You can hear the whole world whispering;
The shy green grasses making love, The feathers grow on the dear grey dove, The tiny heart of the redstart beat,
The patter of the squirrel's feet, The pebbles pushing in the silver streams, The rushes talking in their dreams,
The swish-swish of the bat's black wings, The wild-wood bluebell's sweet ting-tings, Humming and hammering at
your ear, Everything there is to hear In the heart of hidden things. But not in the midst of the nursery riot,
That's why I wanted to be quiet, Couldn't do my sums, or sing, Or settle down to anything. And when, for that,
I was sent upstairs I did kneel down to say my prayers; But the King who sits on your high church steeple Has
nothing to do with us fairy people!
'Times I pleased you, dear Father,
dear Mother, Learned all my lessons and liked to play, And dearly I loved the little pale brother Whom some other
bird must have called away. Why did they bring me here to make me Not quite bad and not quite good, Why, unless
They're wicked, do They want, in spite, to take me Back to Their wet, wild wood? Now, every nithing I shall see the
windows shining, The gold lamp's glow, and the fire's red gleam, While the best of us are twining twigs and the rest
of us are whining In the hollow by the stream. Black and chill are Their nights on the wold; And They live so
long and They feel no pain: I shall grow up, but never grow old, I shall always, always be very cold, I shall
never come back again!
#16 |
Walter Gregor, Notes on the Folk-Lore of the North-East of Scotland
"The fair folk" were most covetous of new-born children and their mothers. Till the mothers were "sained"
and churched, and the children were baptized, the most strict watch and ward had to be kept over them to keep them from being
stolen. Every seven years they had to pay "the teind to hell," and to save them from paying this tribute with one of themselves
they were ever on the alert to get hold of human infants.
There came a wind oot o' the north, A sharp wind and a snell; And a dead sleep came over me, And
frae my horse I fell; The Queen of Fairies she was there, And took me to hersel.
And never would I tire, Janet, In fairyland to dwell, But aye, at every seven years They pay the
teind to hell; And though the Queen macks much o' me I fear 'twill be mysel.
Sometimes they succeeded in carrying off an unbaptized infant, and for it they left one of their own. The
one left by them soon began to "dwine," and to fret and cry night and day. At times the child has been saved from them as
they were carrying it through the dog-hole.
A fisherman had a fine thriving baby. One day what looked like a beggar woman entered the house. She went
to the cradle in which the baby was lying, and handled it under pretense of admiring it. From that day the child did nothing
but fret and cry and waste away.
This had gone on for some months, when one day a beggar man entered asking alms. As he was getting his alms
his eye lighted upon the infant in the cradle. After looking on it for some time he said, "That's nae a bairn; that's an image;
the bairn's been stoun." He immediately set to work to bring back the child. He heaped up a large fire on the hearth, and
ordered a black hen to be brought to him. When the fire was blazing at its full strength, he took the hen and held her over
the fire as near it as possible, so as not to kill her. The bird struggled for a little, then escaped from the man's grasp,
and flew out by the "lum." The child was restored, and throve every day afterwards.
Another. A strong healthy boy in the parish of Tyrie began to "dwine." The real baby had been stolen. A wise
woman gave the means of bringing him back. His clothes were to be taken to a south-running well, washed, laid out to dry beside
the well, and most carefully watched. This was done for some time, but no one came to take them away. The next thing to be
done was to take the child himself and lay him between two furrows in a cornfield. This was carried out, and the child throve
daily afterwards. All this was annoying to the "fair folk," and rather than submit to such annoyance they restored the child,
and took back their own one.
One day a fisherwoman with her baby was left a-bed alone, when in came a little man dressed in green. He proceeded
at once to lay hold of the baby. The woman knew at once who the little man was and what he intended to do. She uttered the
prayer, "God be atween you an me." Out ru shed the fairy in a moment, and the woman and her baby were left without further
Source: Walter Gregor, Notes on the Folk-Lore of the North-East of Scotland, (London: Folk-Lore Society,
1881), pp. 60-62.
The Fairy Pendant
- William Butler Yeats
Scene: A circle of Druidic
First Fairy: Afar from our lawn and our levee, O sister of sorrowful gaze! Where the roses in scarlet
are heavy And dream of the end of their days, You move in another dominion And hang o'er the historied stone:
Unpruned in your beautiful pinion Who wander and whisper alone.
All: Come away while the moon's in the woodland,
We'll dance and then feast in a dairy. Though youngest of all in our good band, You are wasting away, little fairy.
Second Fairy: Ah! cruel ones, leave me alone now While I murmur a little and ponder The history here in the
stone now; Then away and away I will wander, And measure the minds of the flowers, And gaze on the meadow-mice
wary, And number their days and their hours--
All: You're wasting away, little fairy.
Second Fairy: O
shining ones, lightly with song pass, Ah! leave me, I pray you and beg. My mother drew forth from the long grass A
piece of a nightingle's egg, And cradled me here where are sung, Of birds even, longings for aery Wild wisdoms
of spirit and tongue.
All: You're wasting away, little fairy.
First Fairy [turning away]: Though the tenderest
roses were round you, The soul of this pitiless place With pitiless magic has bound you-- Ah! woe for the loss
of your face, And the loss of your laugh with its lightness-- Ah! woe for your wings and your head-- Ah! woe for
your eyes and their brightness-- Ah! woe for your slippers of red.
We'll dance and then feast in a dairy. Though
youngest of all in our good band, She's wasting away, little fairy.
For fairy legends and stories go here please:
Here is a site that tells the legendary story of two girls waaay back when who took photographes of
eachother with fairies. Till this day they cannot prove the photos are false and at the time they were accaimled genuine.
There is a lovely lil movie that tells the tale ( even says its a true story) called Fairy Tale I do believe its also
a book.
You are
a Daylight Fairy! Beside all the violent creatures in the old world there are many peaceful beings. Hidden in the woods
there are elfs and fairies in many different sizes and colors. This fairy is just enjoying the sun while she's sitting
on a flower.
You crave peace and places where you can think and dream. As a Daylight Fairy, you are known for your quiet and imaginative
spirit. You are the kind of being that others like to tell their own dreams to. Continue being a friend to all!
What is your inner Old Age Creature?? (now with pictures!!!) brought to you
by Quizilla
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Poetry Links:
Okie new system! Now only the new poems I add with have this code but here is what i'll do under the poem I will
add a number this number will match a number on the bottom of the page with a link and its description to take you to the
site I took the poem from.
1. A wonderful page filled with fantastic fairy poetry. Many of the poems found on this page are from this webpage or
they are my own so dive in an enjoy! I give major props to this site :o)
Fairy poetry and writting
#15 |
If you look real hard you just might find a secret path that leads to my secret garden....