Fantasy Gardens

unicorn corner

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Unicorn corner
Fantasy-Garden's Kid's Patch
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If your pure of heart and truely believe
Then within this glen; step with me
If your soul is kind and pure
Then a unicorn you'll see; I'm sure...



  Unicorns are often depicted as being pure white horses, with a single horn protruding from its forehead. This horn was said to hold many magical powers and because of this it was often hunted. But not in the fashion as many of us would concider "hunting". Seeming a unicorn would only willing approuch a virgin maiden who is pure of heart. Hunters would use this to there advantage by setting the unicorn up luring it with a a maiden as such and when the poor creature approuched her they gang of hunters would spring there trap.
  The spiriling horn would be cut off, it being said that it could heal the sick and nully poisons in food and drink just with a single touch. Other legends state the the horn only held its magical properties when in contact with the unicorn itself in other words while it was still attached to the beatuiful horse and so these hunts were in vain.


It is told in legends that the only people who could ever see or near a unicorn was a girl pure in heart and a virgin at that. This trust in these women however lead so many unicorn deaths when hunters seeking the magical horn would use virgin maidens to lure a unicorn near only to be trapped.
It is still believed by many today that the only ones who can see the beautiful creatures is pure hearted virgin maidens. Its also mentioned that those pure in heart can see the unicorn not through the human eye but the believers heart and soul. These aspects make the unicorn a rare and lovely creature. A living symbol of purity. Let her live on within this glen...

I believe in Unicorns
He stood in snow white splendor
Among the leaves of green,
Eyes of rich brown velvet,
The most beautiful ever seen.
A faint trace of a spiral
Around a silvery horn.
Was I dreaming or did I really see
A unicorn?
A creamy beard softly hung
From off his shapely chin.
An ivory flowing mane and tail
Blew gently in the wind.
He slowly raised his head, to gaze
With eyes of mystic wonder.
My mind was caught in the magic spell
His presence cast me under.
Then suddenly with a toss of his head
And a flash of pearly hooves,
I stood, spellbound, as he disappeared
Into the silent woods.
Legend says only young maidens
Can see his lovely form.
But I know I wasn't dreaming when I saw
The unicorn.
By:  Carol Busam (Mystical Unicorn visitor)


In Persia and Arabia, the unicorn was called Karkadann, a beast so ferocious it could attack and kill an elephant. It was a violent, warlike unicorn, born in blood and vehement in battle. It had the body of a rhino and a tail like a lion. Each leg had three hooves, one in front and two in back. From its forehead rose a single black horn, curved like a crescent. Unlike the western unicorn, it was dreaded by all living creatures and left alone.

The Karkadann could only be tamed by a ring dove. It is said this beast responded so strongly to the dove's gentle call that it would lie beneath a dove's tree for hours and wait for the dove to land on its horn.

In other descriptions in Middle Eastern unicorn lore, the Karkadann was a fierce animal with magical abilities. It resembled a stag, horse or antelope, and the elephant was its deadly enemy. It could be mild and tender hearted though, drinking the morning dew from green plants. And when it put its head in water, the water would become pure and fruitful, opposites would unite, and all female creatures in the water would become pregnant. Any evil within the water would die and be cast out upon the shore.

As in western unicorn lore, the Karkadann was extremely fond of women, who were used as lures to capture the beast. However, in the eastern tradition, the women did not have to be virgins. Capture of this unicorn was much rarer than in western tradition. This was likely the result of the difficulty in finding women willing to cooperate in capturing such a ferocious beast.

The elephant was the deadly enemy of the Karkadann, and there are many tales about their great battles. In the most famous, the Karkadann stabs the elephant in the belly with his horn. Unable to dislodge his horn, the elephant collapses upon the Karkadann. A Roc, a giant mythical bird in Persia, flies by at this moment, diving and grabbing both beasts and lifting them up into the sky. The Roc then flies to its nest and feeds both the Karkadann and the elephant to its young.

Allegedly only one human every tamed the Karkadann--Alexander the Great.

Mystical Unicorn:legends

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The sailing of the Ark

The sky was low, the sounding rain was falling dense and dark, 
And Noah's sons were standing at the window of the Ark.
The beasts were in, but Japhet said "I see one creature more 
Belated and unmated there comes knocking at the door."
"Well, let him knock, or let him drown" said Ham, "or learn to swim; 
We're overcrowded as it is. We've got no room for him."

"And yet it knocks. How terribly it knocks," said Shem. "Its feet 
Are hard as horns. And O, the air from it is sweet."
"Now hush!" said Ham, "You'll waken Dad, and once he comes to see
What's at the door, it's sure to mean more work for you and me." Noah's voice came roaring from the darkness down below:
"Some animal is knocking. Let it in before we go." 

Ham shouted back (and savagely he nudged the other two) 
"That's only Japhet knocking down a bradnail in his shoe."
Said Noah, "Boys, I hear a noise that's like a horse's hoof."
Said Ham, "Why, that's the dreadful rain that drums upon the roof."
Noah tumbled up on deck, and out he puts his head.
His face grew white, his knees were loosed, he tore his beard and said,

"Look, look! It would not wait. It turns away. It takes its flight
Fine work you've made of it, my sons, between you all to-night.
O noble and unmated beast, my sons were all unkind.
In such a night, what stable and what manger will you find.
O golden hoofs, O cataracts of mane, O nostrils wide
With high disdain, and O the neck wave-arched, the lovely pride!

O long shall be the furrows ploughed upon the hearts of men
Before it comes to stable and to manger once again.
And dark and crooked all the roads in which our race will walk,
And Shrivelled all their manhood like a flower on broken stalk.
Now all the world, O Ham, may curse the hour that you were born
Because of you, the Ark must sail without the Unicorn."

~Author unlisted~


A beauty of white
One spiraling horn, an undying believe
A virgin maiden, a hidden thief
An untimely death
An unmoral theft
You gave her your trust
now your body lies blood spilt in the dust
Finally today, your admired
Its your beauty they seek, no longer your horn they desire
young girls dream of thee
and peacefuly you live in a world of fantasy


The Unicorn And The  Maiden

    Long ago on the edge of the forest of Brochhande, there lived a King called Boron who was hated by his people.  He was also hated by all  the people of the neighboring kingdoms because he was constantly at war  with them.  He was a sour man who trusted no one and always suspected plots against his life.  This wasn't an unfounded  fear because the more bellicose he became the more his people longed to he rid ot him.
     Boron had not always been a bad man but disappointment and grief had poisoned his soul.  In his youth he had been known as Boron The Blessed, but now he had come to be called Boron the Bitter.  The only soft spot remaining in his heart,  it seemed was for his daughter Therese. This was not just the special bond between father and daughter; she inspired love in everyone.  She was one of those people who can  only see the  good in others and in fact many of her father's excesses were forgiven for her sake. 
     It happened one day that a Unicorn was seen in the forest near Boron's kingdom.   As news ot this spread from huntsman and forester to peasant md burgher many people recalled the circumstances when a Unicorn last appeared.   It had coincided with the death of Boron's grandfather - whom he was rapidly coming to resemble - and was believed to signal the end of an evil reign.  This inspired  a mood of hope in the people and smiles were seen on faces that had not known joy for many years.
     The King was the last to hear the news of the Unicorn.  Oblivious to the significance of the Unicorns presence, he thought only of acquiring the beast's precious horn.  So he gathered all of his wisest advisors together to plan how the desired object could be taken. 
     "It cannot be accomplished by force", they told him. "Neither the stealthiest of hunters nor the bravest of pack of hounds can catch the Unicorns.  It is the wisest and strongest of beasts and in either forest or mountain it can disappear like the mist.  It only comes in reach of humans it trusts and they are none but the purest maidens."
     "Then find me a pure maiden and we will set a trap with her." said the King impatiently. 
"But if she knows the plan, my lord," they replied, "the Unicorn may sense it and keep away."
"Then we won't tell her, you  fools," Boron roared, "and if any of you breathe a word of this without my leave, your heads will go to feed the  crows down on the gatehouse."
     Boron was not a completely bad man so when it was pointed out to him that the purest maiden in all the kingdom was undoubtedly his own daughter, even he had qualms.  He could have perhaps chosen some other maid but this seemed an insult to his daughter's honor, besides lowering the chances for success.  So in the end, after wrestling with a conscience well used to defeat, he decided to go ahead and use poor Therese as unwilling bait for his Unicorn trap.
     The next day Boron and his daughter set off on horseback, accompanied by a dozen of his truest knights.  The king told Therese he wished only to watch the Unicorn from a distance, should it choose to approach her.
     "Surely we do not require so much company to meet the peaceful Unicorn?" the princess asked her father.
     "Of course not, my dear, but the world is full of our enemies so bear with them for my sake.  Besides, they too would like a glimpse of this marvel."
    As they neared the forest they met a pleasant young Knight riding towards them bearing a shield of pure white.  The King asked if he had any tidings of the Unicorn. 
     "I have been seeking the creature all night in vain," the Knight replied, "and many other nights and days past.  There is nothing in all the world I wish to find more than the holy Unicorn.
     "You mean it no harm, do you?" asked the princess.
     "I would stake my life against any who wish to harm the creature, my lady, and have done so many times in this quest."
     "Then you must come with us," she declared, "for we too seek the Unicorn in peace."
     To the King's private rage the Knight accepted and in due course the party came to a clearing in the forest.  A mighty oak grew in the center and a steep mountain overlooked it.  The princess settled herself to wait on silken cushions amid the roots of the oak while the King and his knights withdrew to the forest.  There they overpowered the Knight and left him tied to a tree before dispersing to lay their trap.
     All that day princess Therese waited with no sight of the creature.  Then as the sun set and the full moon rose, and both planets ruled the sky jointly for awhile, she caught a faint glimpse of the Unicorn.  It stood in the shadows beneath the nearest trees, as pale and insubstantial as a ghost.
     For a long time the Unicorn watched Therese in silence and she too dared not stir for fear of frightening it away.  Then with the cautious grace of a deer it stepped into the open and trotted towards her, it's snow-white mane tossing like waves, it's slender, spiraled horn flashing against the sky.  Therese could scarsely breathe for wonder and when the Unicorns deep, wise eyes looked into hers she was filled with love and awe for the creature.  She felt herself drifting on the edge of a swoon and thought she could hear strains of heavenly music in the far distance.
     The Unicorn hesitated until it was sure of the purity of her heart then the holy creature knelt and laid it's head in her lap.  As she cradled it, the princess was filled with immeasurable bliss.  Her tears of joy fell on to the Unicorn and sparkled like diamonds in the moonlight. 
     Suddenly with a roar, a thundering of hooves and a clash of weapons, the King and his knights burst from the trees.  The Unicorn sprang to its feet, but already it was too late.  The creature was surrounded and as it desperately sought a way out through the ring of steel, it let out a pitiful  scream of  terror.  Finally  it was lay low  by the crushing blow of a mace and Boron leapt down to strike off its horn. 
     Therese finally came to  her senses and realized what was happening.  With a cry she ran across the clearing  between the flashing hooves of the circling horses and threw herself on the fallen Unicorn and cradled its head in her white arms. 
     "Kill me first," she cried, "for I cannot live knowing I have betrayed so noble a trust."  Boron was furious.  Pull her away  he screamed at his men, but none of them dared lay a  hand on the princess so great was the love she inspired. 
     The King was enraged. He tried to pull her away himself and when that failed he very nearly struck at the horn anyway, not caring if he hit her.  But in mid-stroke he realized what he was doing.  In a flash of insight the King suddenly saw what he had become. He realized he was on the verge of destroying the one person in the world he cared about more than himself.  Boron threw his sword to the ground and sank to his knees,  sobs of shame and remorse wracked his body. 
     At that point, the Unicorn awoke and with trembling legs struggled to his feet.  Boron's knights withdrew and huddled under the trees, for they too were now ashamed of what they had tried to do.  The Unicorn rose and let the maid sooth him awhile, then it turned to face the King.  The creature moved towards Boron and lowered it's horn until it's point touch his neck.  The repentant King neither flinched nor tried to defend himself. 
     "Please,"  begged Therese, "for my sake, spare my father."
     The Unicorn turned towards the princess with an enigmatic look in his eyes and then, with a few swift bounds, was gone like a flash of silver under the moon.
     From that night forward Boron was a changed man.  Or rather, he reverted to being the man he used to be, open-handed and honest and no more suspicious of others intentions than the ways of the world demand.
     So just as the people had thought, the Unicorn's coming did indeed presage the end of an evil reign.  However, on this occasion the King did not die.  He was simply transformed into the good and honest ruler the people wanted.
     The next time the Unicorn showed itself in his country it was to signal Boron's death, or perhaps to lead him from this life into the next.  But this time love of the Unicorn in that place by the forest of Broceliande was matched only by sorrow in the King's passing period.

Taken from:

Adoption #1


My Unicorn

The sky looked red and gray and blue
and where the sun had gone, who knew? 
But the beauty I saw before my eyes 
was enough to make the hardest man cry. 
a horse with horns, but white as could be
so magnificant,stood there gazing at me! 
The creature was enchanted, I was almost afraid
but the look in it's eyes gave the truth away 
There was a calm that settled over me the likes I never knew 
And everthing I ever believed,I suddenly knew was true 
Then the magic left as abruptly as it came,
I wondered for a moment if I were merely insane 
I realize now it doesn't matter either way 
the beauty is mine from now since that day
And whenever I'm feeling the least bit forlorn, 
I just close my eyes tight, and picture my Unicorn.

~Jennifer Haddix~

If you look real hard you just might find a secret path that leads to my secret garden....